
Koan Ogata

Japanese warrior, Ashimori council officer (the office was now located Kita-ku,Okayama-city in Okayama), doctor, academician on the field of Dutch studies. He practice Tekijuku and brought many famous pupils out to the Nation named Japan..

He was born as third boy of Sezaemon Saeki, Ashimori council officer in Ashimori(present located in Ashimori, Kita-ward, Okayama-city, Okayama Pref)

1825 his father went to Osaka with his family as role of both Guardian of Warehouses and Executive Houses and Diplomat of lord land.

1826 He learned Dutch studies at school named “shishisai-juku” taught by Tenyu Naka.

1831 He learned from shindo Tsuboi. He learned from Genshin Utagawa as well.

1836 he learned about medicine when he was in Nagasaki from Dutch doctor Niman(?). from that time, he appalently called himself as Koan Ogata.

1838 He went back to Osaka in spring and began to practice his medication at Kawara-machi (present Kawara-machi, Chuo-ku,Osaka-city). At the same time when he practiced, He began to teach Dutch studies at “Tekitekisai-juku”,school of dutch studies. He was got married with Yae, daughter of Hyakki Okugawa, older school mate who studied at Tenyu. They got 6 boys and 7 girls after that.

1845 He bought commercial house with store space and brought the School of Dutch Studies to that house. Because the house originally practiced was too small for loads of pupils who came to get a good education delivered by Koan Ogata, intelligent teacher.

1849 21th Dec He began “Pox Removal Mansion” to remove pox according to the Cowpox Vaccination Method with using Smallpox vaccine which he got in Kyoto at 15th Dec 1849

1850 He made a new office named “Ashimori Pox Removal Mansion” to remove pox by request from Ashimori-council, home council.

5th June 1858 Activity which he did to prevent people from small pox was accepted by Empire.

1862 He worked on as Empirical Doctor and Executive of Promotional Western Medication Office by big pressure of loads of request from Empire. He recommended 7 members leaded by Ryosen Tezuka by order to pick his best pupil as role of Doctor of Empirical Infantry.

10th June 1863
He was dead at the Japanese age of 54 by choked by blood which blocked the respiratory organ at Executive house of Medical Promotional Office.

His Honor
As his credit for Japan, on the extensive knowledge, he supported great people like Yukichi Hukuzawa, Keisuke Otori,Sanai Hashimoto, Masujiro Omura, Sensai Nagayo, Tunetami Sato, Ryoun Takamatsu and so on who flowered between Falling of Tokugawa Empire and Meiji Restoration.

He modernized Japanese Medication. He wrote Pathological book named “Journal of Disease Expression”, which showed knowledge of pox and was played a big role of Prevent from Smallpox which suffered himself at child age.
In 1858, the epidemic year of Cholera, He published instructional book of Cholera treatment named “CO-RE-RA Treating Criterion” written by handwriting to many doctors.

He was kind and never scolded to person.

At the time when Yukichi Hukuzawa enrolled the school, he got suffered Salmonella enterica var enterica serovar Typhi. During his stay at Osaka Warehouse Residence, He went to take care of Yukichi so deliberately and made him recovered. Yukichi Hukuzawa never forgot it on a whole life. He had aspect both to look after people and to try to understand another person.

He is a professional doctor not only Western Medication but also Eastern Medication to give a good remedy to each person.

Relative article
Tomozaburo Ogata, Grandson of him is Pathologist. Tomio Ogata, Great grandson of him made a fundamental ground of Japanese Serology by researching at Tokyo University. In 1948, Tomio established Promotional Society of Serology to conduct basic research and advanced research of range of Serology. After that, the association developed as Ogata Institute for Medical and Chemical Research. The range of width is not only serology but also observational research on field of Medication and Dentistry.

In the institution, documents written by Academics of Dutch studies like Koan Ogata, Genpaku Sugita and so on are shown to public as “Dutch Study Puplisher”

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