
Summer festival at 11th July 2009 Ⅰ

drumplayers surrounding one big drum. they wore wonderful dresses. they played smashing performance to people come to this shrine. the lines of lanterns behind them made me feel if i was in Old Japan. thank you for great performance. the drumplayers..
shishi-mai, the group imitation dance of chinese lion. this is famous in Japan. but people dont play this because performers were regarded as strange people from my view. Only time they play this dance at summer festival or some special occasion.. it becomes rare to take pictures of performance of shishi-mai.

there are people marching and playing some instrument behind goup immitation dance of chinese lion..those clothes are becoming rare as well to wear .. i have worn something like that 3-times when i was in kindergarden to play japanese drum. those are confortable and i like those outfit. but we dont wear them as usual nowadays..this is one of disappearing scene of japan.

red lanterns on the line in front of main alter building of shrine. those marks on the second picture of lantern are unique, one on the left is mark of "kaen daiko", fire drum. this is rare picture as well.. because we couldnt see it on way i live in. japanese lantern was becoming shown when summer festival was held.i feel this is one of disappearing scene..

those heads of lion, we call them, "SHISHI-GASHIRA" those heads were made from sacred woods grown at shrine. so those are very expensive if i buy one of them. and people who own them take them to next generation by thier hands. it is very important property of japanese culture. i only hope people dont vanish it on their wrong idea.. generation make us to feel responsibility to live as japanese. i was told those things from people who own them..

a little girl looking for daddy behind two gentle old man.

this is carriable alter named "MIKOSHI" this is nessesary and essential thing on summer festival.. some 8 adults carry it on shoulder by the two poles supporting alter....there is kids version of it .. kids version have rolling ball attach on the ground. and many kids bul the rope leaded alter by their own..

i took this picture how many people come to this festival..lol

this is lanterns board. those laterns were donated by people or companies. those lanterns made this festival cheerful and great.

this is latern board as well.. same as before


Koan Ogata

Japanese warrior, Ashimori council officer (the office was now located Kita-ku,Okayama-city in Okayama), doctor, academician on the field of Dutch studies. He practice Tekijuku and brought many famous pupils out to the Nation named Japan..

He was born as third boy of Sezaemon Saeki, Ashimori council officer in Ashimori(present located in Ashimori, Kita-ward, Okayama-city, Okayama Pref)

1825 his father went to Osaka with his family as role of both Guardian of Warehouses and Executive Houses and Diplomat of lord land.

1826 He learned Dutch studies at school named “shishisai-juku” taught by Tenyu Naka.

1831 He learned from shindo Tsuboi. He learned from Genshin Utagawa as well.

1836 he learned about medicine when he was in Nagasaki from Dutch doctor Niman(?). from that time, he appalently called himself as Koan Ogata.

1838 He went back to Osaka in spring and began to practice his medication at Kawara-machi (present Kawara-machi, Chuo-ku,Osaka-city). At the same time when he practiced, He began to teach Dutch studies at “Tekitekisai-juku”,school of dutch studies. He was got married with Yae, daughter of Hyakki Okugawa, older school mate who studied at Tenyu. They got 6 boys and 7 girls after that.

1845 He bought commercial house with store space and brought the School of Dutch Studies to that house. Because the house originally practiced was too small for loads of pupils who came to get a good education delivered by Koan Ogata, intelligent teacher.

1849 21th Dec He began “Pox Removal Mansion” to remove pox according to the Cowpox Vaccination Method with using Smallpox vaccine which he got in Kyoto at 15th Dec 1849

1850 He made a new office named “Ashimori Pox Removal Mansion” to remove pox by request from Ashimori-council, home council.

5th June 1858 Activity which he did to prevent people from small pox was accepted by Empire.

1862 He worked on as Empirical Doctor and Executive of Promotional Western Medication Office by big pressure of loads of request from Empire. He recommended 7 members leaded by Ryosen Tezuka by order to pick his best pupil as role of Doctor of Empirical Infantry.

10th June 1863
He was dead at the Japanese age of 54 by choked by blood which blocked the respiratory organ at Executive house of Medical Promotional Office.

His Honor
As his credit for Japan, on the extensive knowledge, he supported great people like Yukichi Hukuzawa, Keisuke Otori,Sanai Hashimoto, Masujiro Omura, Sensai Nagayo, Tunetami Sato, Ryoun Takamatsu and so on who flowered between Falling of Tokugawa Empire and Meiji Restoration.

He modernized Japanese Medication. He wrote Pathological book named “Journal of Disease Expression”, which showed knowledge of pox and was played a big role of Prevent from Smallpox which suffered himself at child age.
In 1858, the epidemic year of Cholera, He published instructional book of Cholera treatment named “CO-RE-RA Treating Criterion” written by handwriting to many doctors.

He was kind and never scolded to person.

At the time when Yukichi Hukuzawa enrolled the school, he got suffered Salmonella enterica var enterica serovar Typhi. During his stay at Osaka Warehouse Residence, He went to take care of Yukichi so deliberately and made him recovered. Yukichi Hukuzawa never forgot it on a whole life. He had aspect both to look after people and to try to understand another person.

He is a professional doctor not only Western Medication but also Eastern Medication to give a good remedy to each person.

Relative article
Tomozaburo Ogata, Grandson of him is Pathologist. Tomio Ogata, Great grandson of him made a fundamental ground of Japanese Serology by researching at Tokyo University. In 1948, Tomio established Promotional Society of Serology to conduct basic research and advanced research of range of Serology. After that, the association developed as Ogata Institute for Medical and Chemical Research. The range of width is not only serology but also observational research on field of Medication and Dentistry.

In the institution, documents written by Academics of Dutch studies like Koan Ogata, Genpaku Sugita and so on are shown to public as “Dutch Study Puplisher”


Tekijuku (適塾) was a school established in Senba Osaka, in 1838,one of the year of the Tenpo era of the late Edo period. It was founded by Kōan OGATA, a doctor and scholar of Dutch studies (Rangaku). The real name is Tekitekisai-juku because the title of Mr.Ogata, the master of the school.
School graduates worked on the top of the nation from the falling years of Tokugawa Empire to Meiji restoration. One of fundamental aspects of Osaka University is made by the school.

Days as school
1838 Mr.Ogata opened the school of Dutch studies at kawara-cho.
1845 He bought a house with store space and brought pupils to that house.
1846 Masujiro Omura came as pupil.
1855 Yukichi Hukuzawa came as pupil
1862 Mr.Ogata moved to Edo,(present Tokyo) as the Executive Doctor of Tokugawa-empire and Executive of Promotional School of Western Studies. Son in law played role as Master of school.
1863 Mr.Ogata was dead in Edo.
1868 the school closed

Days after school
1869 Syojiro Goto, Osaka governer command to found Naniwa pre-hospital and pre-medical school,(present Daihuku-ji temple). Second son of Mr.Ogata became as Executive Doctor of the pre-Hospital. Anthonius Franciscus Bauduin, Dutch surgeon delivered the general medical treatment and new type of medical treating as the principal professor of the medical school to pupils in the school. The pre-hospital moved to Daikansho, Suzuki-cho. Many relatives participated in the activity. The name was changed a lot as Organization. And it becomes Medical School of Osaka University.
After all, Medical schol of Osaka University was supported by Family Ogata.

The custody of the building
The building and anther materials are owned by Osaka University now.

1901 “Koan publisher” was founded by graduates.
1915~1920 by infrastructure work of the expansion of the width of road, 2 meter at the north part was cut.
1940 the building was registered as National Historical Site.
1942 the building was presented to Osaka Imperial University from Family Ogata as donation.
1952 Association of Anniversary of Tekijuku was established
1964 building was registered as National Important Cultural Property.
1972 Board of Protection and Management of Tekijuku was launched.
1976~1980 Agency for Cultural Affairs leaded to separate to small parts and repair the building.
1980 the building was opened to public.
1981 park was formed next to Tekijuku on east side by Project of Creation of Historical Site Park Surrounding Tekijuku.
1986 park was formed next to Tekijuku on west side.

There is a Enrollment Book written name, year of enroll and name of place where they were from by handwriting of pupils from 1844 to 1862.
If it is distinguished where they were from on the ground of present map of Japan, Largest number of pupil were from Yamaguchi prefecture as 56. Okayama Pref where Koan was from is second as number of 46. And 19 pupils were from Osaka. 7 pupils were from Kagoshima. Except Aomori and Okinawa, pupils were from all around the nation.

Famous Pupils
Ikan Ishizaka
Keisuke Otori
Masujiro Omura
Tsunetami Sano
Ryoun Takamatsu
Kaizaburo Takeda
Ryosen Tezuka
Sensai Nagayo
Sanai Hashimoto
Yukichi Hukuzawa


Sakai Lighthouse

i went to Sakai Lighthouse... it takes about one and half an hour ride... it was good exercise for me ..

taken at june 8th

(translation of above document)
Former Sakai Lighthouse located at nipple of Sakai herbour was built at 1877. This Lighthouse was registered as National Historical Property at 1972 because this is one of wooden oldest western style lighthouse at the point from the time it built originally.
Work of the basement piled with stones and harbour infrastracture were leaded by Shinkichi TSUGIKUNI,Stonemasonry from Bizen,Okayama prefecture. Work of architecting lighthouse was leaded by Sataro OMAYU, carpenter living in Sakai. The part of light was bought from France via dormitory of lighthose in Yokohama. It was attached by an british engineer.
The capital to build the lighthouse was gathered as donation from people living in Sakai and supportive money from Sakai government.
For about 100 years after it was built, the lighthouse have given light to a lot of ships as landmark. But by the reculamation spread to the sea area, the lighthouse become useless for ships as landmark. So the light was turned off in1968.By the reservative redevelop of the lighthouse completed at 2008, thelighthouse show people the lighthouse built in 1877.


Sumo wrestling Osaka Phase !

sumo wrestler flag
took on Feburary 2005

the troop of sumo wrestlers come to Osaka to play Sumo wrestling at Osaka annually.
Osaka is one of the place Sumo wrestling held at spring in Japan. So many japanese call this phase as 春場所, spring phase. I am gettng excited when the season of sumo wrestling comes because I can meet real sumo wrestler on the street. fortunately, I live near sumo wrestlers' house.

when they come to Osaka, some low class wrestlers wearing 着物, KIMONO ride on the train. i saw a wrestler try to make the chubby body, smaller. That move made me feel to laugh many times. but only at that moment i felt special because i could get a smell of Sumo wrestlers' special hair wax. there is rare chance for japanese people to smell it. Because the smell is one of the additional thing when you got a seat of it ,which is too expensive to get .

i often saw the chubby sumo wreslter wearing fitting suits with sports logo like NIKE riding bicycle. the rubber of the wheel was pressed by weight of sumo wreslters so the rubber touch on ground became wider than normal size. When i saw that moves, i wanted to encourage to the bicycle he rode.

there are many things happen in Osaka when the sumo wrestlers campaigns come into Osaka.

thank you for reading .... take care

Mikan, Japanese citrus

tatami stitch and 蜜柑,Mikan(japanese citrus)

街をゆき 子供の傍を 通るとき 蜜柑の香せり 冬がまた来る
passing by and behind
kids playing on street of town,
winter came again
realised it suddenly
by smell of Mikan.

This is my favorite winter tanka,短歌,Japanese middle length poem..
Mikan, Japanese citrus is eaten on winter, and the smell is like orange but not strong taste like those.Mikan is easy to make peel off. Mikan is not big like Orange. Size of Mikan is depend on mikan itself.
I used to get my nail of thumb yellow because i peeled many Mikans. lol
what make me feel winter is those, smell of stove, smell of MIkan, and Kotatsu are good combination for me to realise winter.
what thing make you feel winter?

thank you for reading my message ..

jap samuray is appeared from hidden isle named Japan!

hi i am Jap Samuray from Japan.. i want to introduce about japan and i want to show you my things what i did on days of my life.. if you see my picture or message, please give me a good comment ..i know i dont have good ability to provide.. but i am ok .. i will do my best on this site..

support is big thing for me .. give me question.. i will answer question about it which is provided by reader..

Thank you for reading my message..

take care ...